Sunday, January 9, 2011


Although the weekends are the absolute most difficult times for me emotionally I can not forget that I am BLESSED!

First of all, I must say, I am sooooooo thankful that God has planted us in a new church that has officially become a family to us. Each time I am on my way to church whether it is for Sunday service or Wednesday Bible study, I am overwhelmed with excitement! I have already met some incredible people & I look forward to getting to know them better & sharing in their joys, sorrows, trials, victories etc. What a true blessing this is! Honestly, before we moved I wasn't sure we would have a home church within a year much less 4 months. Once again, God has moved & blessed.

Next, I am blessed with my son. Yes, I get frustrated sometimes. Yes, I cry over him for various reasons. Yes, I worry about how he acts when I'm not around. Yes, I pray for him. Yes, I worry about the future. Yes, I worry about his spiritual well being. Yes, I worry about him physically. Yes, yes, yes. However, the bottom line is, I am blessed with him. God has entrusted Dan & I with an amazing gift. We are able to be parents to a precious gem of His. I am able to be a Mom! I am blessed to be able to stay home with him right now & be his full time mommy. Wow! Blessed. I am excited to see what God has for Elijah as he grows up. I, his mom, will be able to enjoy the moments with him. I will be able to help him in his trials. I will be able to help heal his broken heart. I will be there when he falls in love for the first time, when he decides what he wants to do with his life...Lord willing, I will be able to share in all of this. For now though, I am BLESSED to be Elijah's Mommy!

I am blessed to be Dan's wife. I am blessed to have a man who is able to provide for his family. Yes, we are dealing with new trials now that we are in Texas & separate a lot, but God is with us & is helping us. I am blessed that Dan has been there for me through so many ups & downs. I am able to cook, clean, be me, have fun, life life to the fullest as a wife! God brought us together & although we may fail to remember that in times of trials, I know that we are together because God intended it to be that way. Thank you Lord for this blessing. Thank you for enabling me to be a wife. Thank you for my honey bunches of oats. Thank you for blessing me with Dan.

Family. How would my life be without all of you?! How can I even begin to say thanks to each of you. I am tremendously blessed. I am blessed to be a daughter, sister, Aunt, cousin, in-law, niece...what a true blessing it is. My 6 older siblings have gone through trials that I can't imagine. They have helped me through times that I never thought I would encounter. We are family. We are together when no one else is there. We have one another to lean on. Even though we may not always agree with each other, we are still family. Unbreakable. Blood. Family. My parents...I am sooo blessed to have you. I love you. I admire you. I cherish every moment I get with you. Thank you for being my mom & dad. Thank you for never giving up on me. Love you all.

Friends...I am blessed. As I think about the friends I have in my life, wow. I'm amazed to think about the stages in my life & the people from each stage that have impacted me. I'm blessed to have so many friends. Thank you for your support of me. Thank you for allowing me to be a friend.

So, why do I post this today? Because, even when I think about my personally "tough" weekend, I am reminded of how blessed I am. I may have moments of sadness, but when I look back on my life & all that I am blessed with I am reminded to be content in my situation. Make the most of the journey. Make the most of each moment. Enjoy the ride.

Thank you Lord for all of this. Thank you Lord for helping me to look for the best in every situation. Thank you for helping me to be mindful of my blessings. Most importantly, Lord, thank you for the ability to have a relationship with you that far surpasses anything I deserve.

So, to all of you reading my is to a blessed week for you.


  1. I have also been blessed by all of these. I am blessed to have a wonderful and caring wife and a health and energetic son. But most of all I am BLESSED every day by my LORD and SAVIOR Jesus Christ. Love You Beth, My Sunshine
