Monday, December 31, 2012

So long 2012

When I was a kid it seemed to take forever to go from January 1st to December 31st. Not any more! I sit here this evening pondering the past year. Things have gone so fast!!!! I can't believe this is the last day of 2012.

This year has been interesting, to say the least, but overall, we have been blessed & have enjoyed life.  This past month has been difficult for me.  I have been missing my family terribly.  I didn't really get into the holidays as much this year (although it was incredible watching Eli experience things), and as I searched around here for sauerkraut for tomorrow, having no luck, I realized how much more I miss my family.  Aside from me missing my family, Christmas was great for us.  In fact, we probably had the best Christmas ever.  We simplified it this year.  We made the choice to cut way down.  We didn't go overboard with Eli and we didn't with one another.  It was great!  Not near that amount of stress this year as normal & Eli seemed happier this year than any other!!!!  Simple is great!!!!  He was most excited about Jesus' Birthday cake!  That was super cool for us!

Our family is looking forward to 2013.  For me, I have personal goals that I want to achieve during this year.  I am not making resolutions, per say, but rather committing to changing some things.  I am looking forward to knowing God more.  We have an amazing church here in TX.  I love the challenges we receive from our Pastors & the encouragement I leave every Sunday with.  I know without any doubt that this past year has been great for me spiritually.  So, 2013, is going to be even better.  I look forward to that!

2013 is going to bring some challenges, changes & great choices to our family.  Dan & I will share information as we feel we can, but for now, we desire your prayers.  God knows what we need. 

One last thing...I love writing this blog for my family & friends to keep up with what we are doing.  However, one thing Dan & I would request is, that if you as the reader don't enjoy reading this or if you don't believe what you are reading, then we simply ask that you don't read it.  We want this to be a positive thing.  It is always written from my heart & is always the truth.  So, if you are judging that, then stop reading this. 

On that note....Happy New Year!  We pray that you will be blessed this year & we look forward to sharing it with you!

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