Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, Monday

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I have been constantly thinking about the many things in my life that I am Thankful for. The most important to me is that God sent His son to die on the cross for my sins. Forgiveness comes so easily for God. I have also thought of many things that perhaps I have taken advantage of, or haven't thought of the complete reason to be thankful for it. For instance...when I lived in PA I had a TON of family & friends that were always willing to help us out & watch Elijah for me. Sometimes I did it without even thinking about it (however shameful that is to admit) and sometimes I wondered if I was even mothering my child or simply allowing other people to do it. Well, let me tell you something that happens when you move states away. You don't have that. I am so thankful for the many times that my family or my friends would take Eli for a day, a night, a weekend, a couple hours, a hour or whatever the case may be. I needed it. I know cherish it more than ever. So, to all of you who have willingly done that THANK YOU! I praise God for you.
So, in remembering that & being thankful for that I was reminded today of my niece who also lives here in TX. She has 2 beautiful daughters & her husband works away (in Nigeria) & was lead today to call & offer to keep her girls for her. She took me up on it (which btw--was a huge step for her as she normally doesn't do this because she's never had it) so...I was blessed with 2 princesses in my house today while Sarah was able to clean her house & enjoy not having to be interrupted. The funny thing is I was blessed. I absolutely enjoyed having 2 more children in my house. The girls took naps & then we went & picked up Eli from school & boy was he surprised! Then Eli & Maddie played together so well. Eli got a little jealous sometimes & I can tell you that listening to a 2 year old & a 3 year old talk simultaneously is a little overwhelming sometimes, but since I don't have to do it all the time it was amazing. I had such a great time today. When they left tonight Eli was at the couch crying. I asked him what was wrong, he told me he already misses them. My little man is definitely a social butterfly. In any case, I realize now that people were telling me the truth when they said it was their honor to watch Eli. It was my honor today to watch my 2 precious nieces.
Scoot morning Eli found Scoot on top of the TV. He called him Santa Claus, but then I reminded him he was just Santa's helper. He told me but mommy he doesn't talk. I reminded him that Santa gave him strict orders not to talk to kids, but that he should listen very closely to them. Eli then told him...Scoot, for Christmas I want a big toy. Later he defined that as a big car, like the big kids have. Should be interesting. Not sure Santa is going to deliver that.
Daddy left for San Angelo last night for possibly the entire week or maybe just until Wednesday. We are praying that he will be able to come home Wednesday for the long weekend with us. We already know he will be in San Angelo next week too. I will keep you posted on this.
VeggieTales has become a favorite of Eli's right now. I love that he enjoys them. At least they are teaching him. I actually enjoy listening to him talk about them. He loves Bob the tomato.
Hope you all enjoyed your Monday. Be thankful!

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