Monday, December 20, 2010

5 more sleeps!!!

Today was a good day. Yesterday Dan informed me that I would have a delivery today & I couldn't leave the house until I received it. Hmmm...that's odd. I was figuring it was flowers, but didn't want to ruin the surprise by asking him about it. I did ask if I would have to sign for my delivery, to which he just said, I don't think so. I hung around the house for the day. About 2:30 my delivery came...beautiful flowers. (see the pic below). However, the card just said "Merry Christmas." What?! Hahaha. I figured they were from Dan, but I emailed him, told him I received my delivery. He told me they were an early gift from he & Eli for taking such good care of them. How sweet. I needed that smile after my weekend. Thank you Honey. Love you!

Today was more baking. Yesterday when I ATTEMPTED to melt butterscotch, well, I couldn't. I was so frustrated. I called my niece in tears because I had just wasted butterscotch. I know, something so silly, but to add my missing home with that, it was just the straw. Today however, my butterscotch melted & I was able to make my chow mien noodle cookies. They are so good. As you can see below, I also made wedding cookies & pecan tassies! Now I have to decorate sugar cookies & who knows what else I'll get into. It was nice to bake. I can't wait to share some of the cookies with those around here.

My wonderful niece, Sarah, brought me lunch today. A delicious burrito. Oh my goodness it was amazing. From a place called Mission Burrito. Similar to Chipotle, but oh so yummy. It actually ended up being my lunch & dinner. Thank you Sarah for the lunch & for visiting with me today!
The gifts have continued. Yesterday, day #7 I was blessed with...

An Angel. It was the angels that heralded in the glorious news of the Savior's birth. The angels sang Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will toward men. May we all do the same this Christmas Season.
And, on the 8th day...
The Bell. Just as the lost sheep are found by the bell, it should ring all mankind to the fold. The bell symbolizes guidance and return.
Every single day I receive another gift I am amazed. I am reminded every minute of the reason for this season. What a gift it is that God gave us, and now we celebrate it. How fantastic.
I was talking to Eli tonight about Christmas. He was jumping up & down because he was so excited about it being almost time. I was explaining to him that Christmas is Jesus' birthday. He said, "Jesus was born in Heavenland!" We talked a little about Jesus being born in a manger & about how we celebrate his birthday. Eli asked, can it be my birthday? I told him it isn't your birthday, but we celebrate his birthday. I think we may have a birthday cake now for our Christmas tradition.
Lonely. I've been feeling very lonely lately. One thing it has encouraged me to think of is what I should do. Had I known last year what I know now (about where I am), I would've taken time to enjoy the moments with people more. I would've taken time to love more. I wouldn't have worried about the silly things, but the moments with those I love, I would've made the most of every single minute. So, that has made me think I need to do that now. We never know what journey we will be on next, so...making the most of the one we are in/on now is a MUST. So, on the positive of being lonely...I get the TV all to myself...I'm learning more about me...I am keeping my tear ducts clean...I am learning how to cook...I am practicing being positive in all things. Sometimes I succeed, other times I don't. LOL.
Until next time...enjoy your moments. Hope your done shopping! :-)

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