Friday, November 9, 2012

Thanks Day 9

Today, there is an overwhelming feeling in me of what I am thankful for.  I am so thankful for my friends!  I am blessed beyond measure.  I have friends here.  I have friends there.  I have friends in so many places.  My friends are there for me.  They help me in times of need.  They laugh with me.  They cry with me.  They help me when I begin new adventures.  They encourage me when I am down and out.  I am blessed.  I could name many, but guaranteed I would miss someone & I would feel bad, so I won't even begin.  However, most of you reading this know that I am blessed by you. 

I have friends that have been in my life for years and I have friends that have been in my life for a short amount of time, but I am blessed by each one.  I only pray that I have been & will continue to be a blessing to each one of them. 

So tonight, as I lay my head on my pillow I will pray for my friends.  I will ask God to bless them as He has blessed me with them. 

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