Sunday, November 20, 2016

Baby Girl

Because birthmom had to spend a night in the hospital due to high blood pressure and she had perinatal diabetes, so we had weekly dr appointments.  She was doing well with her methadone treatments daily and we texted and talked daily.

I will not lie.  There were a LOT of days that were drama filled for various reasons and some of which I will not share on here.  Even though we have a relationship with birthmom, it is not to the point yet where we are open about everything and even though I am not naming her in this blog, I have to respect her and not put everything out there.

So, having said that, we had some rough patches, but I truly loved our birthmom.  I do love her.  Regardless of her choices and whether or not I agree(d) with them, I have to believe that God placed her in my life for a reason.  The truth of the matter is, just because there were drugs, it didn't make her choice to place for adoption any easier.  People have asked me, weren't you mad at her for doing that to your baby?  My answer is short.  No.  I understand addiction more than I care to admit.  I don't understand drug addiction, but I do other addictions.  Here is my take on it....when she found out she was pregnant, she got help with methadone.  She also made a tough choice.  She decided to place.  Yes, most likely the baby would've become a ward of the state & she wouldn't have been able to keep her anyhow, BUT, she chose to place!  That is a praise in my book!  That is something worthy of respecting.  She placed her baby ahead of herself.  She worked with an agency in TX, which meant that she left her home for a few months to come have the baby here.  She had to leave her comforts and all she knew to place the needs of the baby first.

Next appointment went well and we had the next appointment set for Aug 22.  On that date we ended up going straight to be admitted for induction.  Her blood pressure had elevated and they wanted to induce the next morning.

Now, y'all, I had so much going on at this point.  Dan was working in a different part of TX, so I had to call him & have him get home.  Eli was to have a meet the teacher for Kindergarten on the 23rd.  Since birthmom had agreed to allow me in the delivery room with her, I wanted to be there with her!  So, I took her to the hospital, got her taken care of, then I went home to gather some of my stuff.  Dan got home, I grabbed everything I needed and back to the hospital I went.

It was exciting for me.  I got to stay there.  We chatted and then, decided to sleep.  I slept, but I am fairly certain she didn't sleep much.  Of course, there were nurses in and out and a constant monitor on the baby.  *which, I loved, btw*

August 23, 2013...the day started out EARLY.  Pitocin was stated at 5am.  5am!!!!!  Y'all, I DO NOT LIKE 5 am.  But, on this day, I was happy to be up at 5 am.  However, pitocin doesn't make things happen super fast all the time.  So, we waited.

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